Scientific discovery is less about reaching a big, concrete finish, but more so assisting in a continuous cycle of understanding.
While the common assumption about science research and discovery follows a linear model, it can be a lot trickier and take a lot longer than planned.
The linear model assumes a straightforward pipeline where research funding will lead to applicable science and societal benefits (and more funding would lead to more benefits). However, it is inaccurate. Modeled by Thomas S. Kuhn, scientific research is cyclical and involves a lot more fluidity.
This model instead shows that most research is actually accomplished in a pre-paradigm state (in which you were in most of this simulation!). During this period, researchers assert different ideas in a long, convoluted process of trial and error. However, once a theory or framework is established within a discipline, the science becomes normal science. It is only when anomalies, or things that don't fit in with the normal science's framework, begin occurring and building up does the normal science fall apart and the cycle begins anew!

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